Monday 12 September 2011

Pierre Chareau: Maison de Verre

"The steel frame allowed for complete freedom of internal space. The construction photo above spotlights this idea - you can see the tall beams stretching ceiling to floor, allowing for free-standing design around the beams. Walls and floors could be placed within the space, totally independent of where the beams provided support"

"Chareau opened up the space options by implementing sliding walls in La MdV. Aluminium partitions equipped with acoustic insulation in the clinic created the ultimate multi-purpose space,"


Few selection of materials used:
 - steel
 - aluminium
 - glass
 - rubberized floor tiles
 - perforated metal sheet

"they're all showing. They're not covered up by plaster or drywall or even a coat of paint or varnish. For the most part, the materials of La MdV are unforgivingly bear and naked... . Every connection is there for the inspection of the naked eye."

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